If Translation suggestions is set to show (), it will suggest words or phrases. These suggestions are words or phrases you have used previously when you translated the same word or phrase as found in the source project or resource.
The Suggestion Engine pane appears in the Translate Overview pane:
- the number of stars indicates the quality of the suggestions.
Trained Segments - the number indicates the number of trained segments.
RETRAIN - click this button to retrain the suggestion engine.
A suggestion may appear in a box below the segment that is being translated. Next to the suggestion you see a number, which is percentage. It indicates the confidence or quality based on previous uses.
You can use keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl+0 to insert an entire phrase or Ctrl+ <number> to insert that number of words, starting from the current word.
You can click the suggestion or press the Enter key to accept the suggestion.
- Consider this:
When you have nothing translated in the target project, you would expect to have no stars. As you translate more data you should see more stars.
The more similar the source and target projects are, the more stars you should see. But, after about 600-700 verses (or segments) have been translated, the number of stars will probably not change much or not at all.