Share with others

Administrators can always invite others to share the work in the project. People with other roles can also invite others, but the role options they can select might be different.

People you invite do not need to have a Paratext account. People who have a Paratext account do not need to be invited. 

If the administrator enabled the  Share feature, then other users can do these steps:

  1. In the Navigation pane, click a book that is below Translate or below  Community Checking.

  2. Click   (Share) on the toolbar.

The Share dialog box appears.

  1. Click change for any of the options ( or  ) until the invitation role, invitation role language, and who can use the link show what you want to do.

  2. Do one of these steps:

Then, you can paste that link in a text or chat message, post in Facebook or in an email, and so on.


However, people who will do Community Checking are not typically Paratext users. In this case, Enable Community Checking must be selected ().

Related Topics

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Users overview